The largest grain bid directory
in the United States

CropSafe empowers farmers like you with a modern take on money management. Find out why so many farms across the United States use CropSafe. Create a free account in minutes.
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CropSafe helps you find the best price to sell grain.

Get up-to-date and always available grain data for more than 2,000+ locations across the continental United States

Every single elevator right at your fingertips

Get up-to-date and always available grain data for more than 2,000+ locations across the continental United States.

Never lose another important note again

See all of your notes right from the CropSafe Dashboard. You can delegate tasks to others, make a list of elevators and keep track of your operations, all from one place.

Find out why America uses CropSafe

Speak to an advisor today. Find out how CropSafe can help you sell more grain and get more out of your operations.

(415) 704-7099